Innovation Will Feel Disruptive
In these audiograms, taken from Episode 9 of The Healthcare Leadership Experience, Lisa Miller is joined by Charlene Li to discuss harnessing a disruptive mindset in healthcare.
Any Worthwhile Innovation Will Feel Disruptive
Innovation moves your organization from its comfort zone into a new space. Making that transition is a challenge. Hospitals need to learn new things and establish new relationships. It’s a false promise to believe innovation will come in on time and on budget. If organizations can understand innovation is disruptive, then they can prepare for the tough journey ahead. If you’re not, you’ll retreat to your comfort zone at the first obstacle.
Healthcare Innovation Isn’t Easy, But It’s Worth It
A successful innovation strategy requires honesty throughout the organization. It may be tough, but it will be worth it. Patient experience and outcomes won’t improve by taking the slow, or comfortable path. These are highly disruptive and turbulent times. We need healthcare leaders who can prepare to respond to the challenges in front of them and set audacious goals.
Is Your Health System Built For Disruption?
A healthcare organization that can tune into disruption embraces the obstacles and behaviors required to deal with constant change. It is only until they become the norm rather than the exception. Some organizations have a culture that can respond to disruption. They prepare for, and are capable of, responding to setbacks. Others avoid innovation because they simply don’t know where to start. These organizations are often ready to collapse at the smallest signs of disruption.
Successful Disruptive Organizations Focus On The Future Patient Experience
Your hospital’s culture determines how rapidly you implement the innovative strategies that may transport you to a disruptive future. The #1 secret to successful disruption in healthcare is to focus on the patient experience. The key to being a disruptive leader is to create a movement and to determine your edge, how far you can go, from the outset. That means taking incremental, disruptive steps and implementing small changes before you tackle your major goals.