Maximize Margin Improvement Opportunities in Your Healthcare IT Spend

Our Exceptional Healthcare IT Expense Reduction System Delivers Unrivaled Benchmarking Data & Contract Visibility

VIE Healthcare Founded in 1999

Here are 3 Ways to Reduce Your Hospital’s IT Spend:

  1. Recognizing patterns:
    Vendors are making their pricing structures more and more complex, making it difficult for you to  say, “I’m not getting the best price because for X.”So you must be able to recognize patterns, remodel, and provide benchmarking in these complex pricing structures.
  2. Reconciling:
    You need to think about:
    • How are you validating that you are getting the right price?
    • What happens if there’s a change in bed size or volume?
    • Are you adjusting those to your agreement?
    • Can you map it in order to reduce it or put it together accurately?
  3. Monitoring specific utilization:
    You must be able to predict your user growth and adjust your costs accordingly.You don’t want to be charged for months/years for a volume you never had.
    So you need to figure out:
    • How do you get that credit?
    • How do you put together agreements that allow you to be flexible through it?

Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to know how we help hospitals achieve dramatic savings on their IT spend at

IT Cost Reduction is a Priority for Health Systems Faced With Increasingly Complex Proposals and Vendor Contracts. Healthcare IT Consulting can Help.

Due to COVID-19, the United States healthcare system needs to focus more acutely on quality of care and data security improvements. Whether this means adhering to HIPAA best practices when a healthcare provider works with patient information (Social Security numbers, health information, personal information, and other patient data) or using analytics tools to rethink your existing business methodology, health information technology is essential. In addition, healthcare providers want to implement cost-savings methods, reinvest in innovative solutions, or enable more agile disaster recovery strategies.

Your healthcare organization commonly interacts with numerous IT services, departmental needs, and live support requests. When you account for all of the personal data you use within your healthcare organization, it’s clear that it’s difficult for any single department to handle your brand’s diverse IT needs. However, it’s much easier to navigate change management within a healthcare company with effective healthcare information technology consulting. This empowers more excellent patient care and patient outcomes, which is necessary for building service loyalty and fostering genuine connections. Healthcare IT support can also help you review existing clinic data to spot payer services inconsistencies, contract breaches, and reimbursement opportunities.

You can achieve actual cost savings by improving pricing, optimizing IT licenses, and identifying contract errors when you implement healthcare IT services to review your medical practice’s existing data and find areas of opportunity. In addition, when you rethink your business processes and IT infrastructure, you can reallocate capital into innovations and upgrades throughout your medical practices. Not only do these healthcare consulting benefits help ensure HIPAA compliance, but they can also empower clinicians and lead to greater patient satisfaction and health outcomes.

Our healthcare IT consulting experts work alongside your organization to realize unprecedented savings in the following areas:

  • Operational and clinical software purchases. Healthcare providers can rely on consultant insights and years of experience to take a strategic approach to software investments. This empowers healthcare clients by optimizing operational efficiency while realizing cost savings that aren’t always common with new systems and technology services.
  • Enterprise license agreements. When you review license agreements, privacy policy details, user consent information, and other important information, you can spot common vulnerabilities that many healthcare payers overlook.
  • Global license agreements. With an international health information exchange, it’s much easier for you to implement large-scale technology solutions and review contracts to ensure software solutions stay on budget and improve care delivery.
  • Large-scale ERP software. ERP software is often the right solution for brands with large-scale consultant needs and wants to avoid joint software disruption impacting the healthcare industry.
  • Data warehousing. Data warehousing needs can significantly impact your overall business models and your team members. When we help you find savings within your data warehousing services, it’s much easier to reinvest those finances to other areas of opportunity.
  • IT subscription services. IT subscription services often lead to unforeseen expenditures, service fees, and other administrative costs that sometimes lead to overspending. So even if you’re investing in essential IT subscription functions, it’s necessary to look for effective cost-savings optimizations.
  • Services and maintenance. This includes how you handle patient records, EHRs, and other data repositories.
  • Contract compliance audits. Managing contract compliance is essential for achieving workflow improvements and cutting expenses.
    Telecommunication healthcare costs. Due to COVID-19, more healthcare providers are investing in telehealth services that work across your organization

Our Healthcare IT Consulting Services Identify Savings in 100% of the Contracts we Review, in Some Cases, Exceeding $200,000.

In addition, our deep category expertise, vendor-specific market intelligence, and proven ability to reduce costs protect your organization from unnecessary spending. When you spot overspending on existing contracts, it can cause a logistics headache throughout your brand. With effective IT consulting, you can help mitigate network outages, invest more in automation, and reshape your live support efforts. When you combine these factors, it’s easier to promote greater healthcare organization loyalty, particularly for patients that require long-term care. When you identify savings, you can set more proactive business goals. This helps your healthcare organization focus on more incredible internal innovation, process reviews, and streamlined growth opportunities. To learn even more about healthcare IT consultants and their role within your organization, it’s good to access helpful resources.

Three Ways to Work with VIE Healthcare

  1. Benchmark a vendor contract – either an existing contract or a new agreement.
  2. We can support your team with their cost savings initiatives to add resources and expertise. We set a bold cost savings goal and work together to achieve it.
  3. VIE can perform a cost savings opportunity assessment. We dig deep into all of your spend and uncover unique areas of cost savings.

Achieve Dramatic Savings for Your Hospital With Healthcare IT Cost Reduction Services from VIE Healthcare

To learn more about how you can streamline and even automate basic functionalities within your IT services department and leverage healthcare IT consultants to empower your brand’s patient care success and outcomes, contact VIE Healthcare Consulting today. VIE has years of experience working with enterprise healthcare brands. Our dedicated healthcare IT consultants can help you review your existing service agreements and contracts, audit your healthcare organization’s information technology performance, and even help you enable continued growth. In addition, reach out today to discuss implementing cost-reduction strategies.

$ 0
In Annual Savings on Anti-virus Software for a 450 bed Health System.
$ 0
Saved over Five Years for a PACS and lab Maintenance Agreement.
$ 0 Million
In Savings Realized over Five Years for a Client Using an Outdated Platform.

Reach out to Lisa Miller at or Schedule a Call Through the Form Below.