VIE Healthcare
Healthcare Innovation

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Healthcare Innovation
Jim Cagliostro

Understanding Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)

This article was written by James Cagliostro. Medicare’s Impatient Prospective Payment System Over the last few decades, countless advancements in healthcare have been made in this country. Along with these advancements, the cost of healthcare has risen and the complexity of payment for care has risen too. Advancements, higher cost, and higher complexity, however, do

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Healthcare Innovation
Lisa Miller

Embracing Innovation

Innovative Hospital Processess and Patient Services Look at your hospital’s processes and patient services and honestly ask yourself, is it time to innovate? Let’s face it, each hospital has key differences which either make them successful or make them lag behind.  One of the key differentiators is innovation. That is, the successful organizations are the

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Healthcare Innovation
Lisa Miller

Innovation Through Employee Ideas

Employees Innovating Let me ask you a question. How are you going to meet the new challenges we are facing now with healthcare reform? One powerful strategy that’s often not considered is innovation through employee ideas. That is, creating an open and creative environment where ideas are listened to and implemented. Let me share a

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